Clear Braces for Teens FAQ | Vista CA

What are clear braces for teens?

Clear braces are nearly invisible thin clear brackets that are attached to each tooth and linked with each other using a thin wire to put pressure on the teeth, causing them to move slowly in the desired direction. They work in a similar fashion as traditional metal braces except that the brackets are made from clear transparent ceramic material. The brackets and wires can be tooth-colored to make ceramic braces less visible.

What orthodontic conditions do clear braces treat?

Typical treatment options are for common misalignment problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites, open bites, underbites, spaced teeth, and advanced tooth wear.

Will clear braces be easily noticeable to others at school?

Clear braces are not easily noticeable and cannot interfere with your daily activities. You can easily carry on a conversation at school or practice without anyone realizing you’re wearing clear braces.

What can I expect from clear braces for teens?

Clear braces treatment is very similar to traditional braces, except for the aesthetic difference. Your orthodontist in Vista CA will use a wide range of clear braces to straighten your teeth giving you an invisible way to enhance your smile.

Who can wear clear braces?

Clear braces make a quality aesthetic cosmetic option than traditional orthodontics because they are clear and lack metallic color, brackets or wires. Although clear braces have brackets and thin wires, their tooth-like color enables them to blend in your enamel so you can smile confidently around people.

To learn more about clear braces for teens and if you are a candidate for treatment, contact your Vista orthodontist today!