
Invisalign for Teens in Vista CA

At Brackets Wires and Smiles, we offer excellent Invisalign procedures and compassionate dental services. Our Invisalign for teens are highly efficient and effective in correcting various kinds of tooth misalignment in both young children. Our experienced dentists will handle every step involved in the procedure and help design a special invisalign for your child. We are happy to serve young patients throughout Vista, CA.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a replaceable plastic orthodontic device used by orthodontists to correct varying dental issues. Invisalign is removable, unlike some other orthodontics. Thus, making them easier to use and maintain. The device can be removed before brushing, flossing, or eating. The retainers are also well placed, making them almost impossible to see.

How Invisalign works?

The dimension of the patient’s teeth gets scanned before issuing the device to a patient. Afterward, the shape of the patient’s tooth determines the size of the Invisalign. Typically, patients should wear Invisalign for 22 hours daily. This duration provides ample time of contact to enable the device to work effectively. 

Why Design A Special Invisalign For Teens?

Invisalign for teens is customized to meet the demands of parents and the needs of teenagers. This customization makes them different from those designed for adults. Teenagers are very active and represent a large population that requires a wide range of orthodontic corrections. However, parents have expressed concerns over their teenagers not using their Invisalign inadequately. Inefficient use of this device prolongs treatment time and incurs more cost than projected.

For this reason, Orthodontists have designed Invisalign with color indicators. Frequent use of the device should wear the colors off. This wearing should serve as pointers for parents. The Invisalign’s design ensures its adaptation to the continual growth of teeth (especially the molars). Invisalign teen also comes with extra pairs in the case of misplacement at no cost. 

Invisalign designed for teens has proven effective for solving dental issues peculiar to their age group. These issues include; Crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite, or overly spaced teeth. 

Contact Us Today

At Brackets Wires and Smiles, the facilitation of good dental health is our utmost priority. Contact us today to schedule a dental appointment for your invisalign. We proudly serve kids across Vista, California, and surrounding cities.