Dental Braces FAQ | Vista CA

Though dental braces are a common orthodontic treatment, it is helpful to better understand the process for beginning treatment.  Some common questions include:

When should I wear dental braces?

While dental braces can be worn by anyone of any age, tweens are considered the best candidates for this treatment as at their age, the head, mouth, and jaws are still developing, and teeth are conducive for realignment.

What types of dental braces are best for me?

Your orthodontist or dentist may recommend any of these type of braces for your problem:

  • Ceramics – Have ceramic brackets that are usually designed to take the color of teeth.
  • Traditional braces – These have stainless steel brackets that are held to each other using tiny archwires and to teeth using adhesive cement.
  • Self-ligating braces – Damon braces use a sliding mechanism that causes them to move with the teeth into their new position as they realign.
  • Invisalign – The discreet nature and removability of Invisalign aligners has made them a popular modern solution to occlusion.

How long do I need to wear braces?

Period of treatment can be between 12 months and two years depending on such factors as your age and problem severity. The type of braces your dentist recommends for you may also determine how long you’re going to have them on. Invisalign aligners, for instance, can take up to four months lesser than traditional braces and ceramics to produce results. By consulting with your orthodontist in Vista CA, you can determine if braces are the best teeth alignment option for you.  Schedule your consultation today to get started on achieving the smile of your dreams!